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paymennt documentation

build amazing payment experiences with the paymennt platform

product guides
product guides

learn the ins and outs of the paymennt platform. Our product guides will show you how to manage your merchant account and covers topics critical for any business

accept payments
accept payments

learn about the ins and outs of the **paymennt** platform through boosts an array of tools was designed from the ground up to be easily installed and used to get your website up and running quickly.

e-commerce plugins
e-commerce plugins

connect your e-commerce website to the powerful payment processing capabilities ofpaymennt. choose a quick, reliable, and low-code solution thanks to our flexible plugins

software kits
software kits

whether for your server or your mobile app, paymennt provides you with an array of SDKs to make your product development journey simpler

api reference
api reference

access our full API reference documentation for complete instructions on how to implement and access the full range of features and tools made available to our merchants