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Online Shop and Paymennt API

At, we provide online shop functionality exclusively to merchants with standard and premium plans. With our user-friendly mobile app, editing your online shop layout is a breeze.

If you already have an existing online shop, you can seamlessly integrate it with Paymennt’s API for a smooth and efficient transition.

Here are the customization options available for your online shop:

  1. Personalized banner on the homepage
  2. Customized theme
  3. Adjusted product thumbnail size
  4. Add shipping rule
  5. Add discounts
  6. Add social media links

View shop orders

You can also view or shop orders easily by navigating to the “Shop (Under the “Earn” section)” page from the side menu.


The products shown on the online shop will be the same as the products in the product list for other payment methods (e.g. Payment links). To edit the product list, refer to the Product Management flow.

Personalize banner on the homepage

You can add a banner to your shop's homepage which will appear at the top of the page right below your logo:

  1. Open the side menu, go to “Shop (Under the “Earn” section) -> Setting -> Banner”
  2. Toggle “Enabled” in the Banner section
  3. Click the “+” sign and select the banner image you would like to use
  4. Click “Save” to save your updates

Adjust product thumbnail size

You can change your shop's product grid size to modify the number of products visible to your customer per row. Paymennt online shops support grid sizes of 2, 3, and 4 products per row:

  1. Open the side menu, and go to “Shop (Under the “Earn” section) -> Setting -> Theme”
  2. On the Theme page, go to the “Product grid width” section
  3. Select the desired grid size of 2, 3, or 4
  4. Click “Save” to save your updates

Add shipping rules

You can add shipping information to apply the shipping fee according to the delivery address and the checkout amount:

  1. Open the side menu, and go to “Shop (Under the “Earn” section) -> Shipping (Under the “Configure” section)”
  2. On the “Shipping” page, you will see the shipping rules that have already been set up. You can click on the existing rule to view or edit the details
  3. To add a new rule, simply click “Add” on the top right corner
  4. You will need to input the rule’s name and applicable location
  5. You can edit the name of the rule (which will show on the checkout page when applicable) and the conditions of the rule if applicable (e.g. Set up 0 shipping rate for a minimum order amount of 100 AED for a shipping rule “Free delivery for checkout amount exceeds 100 AED”)

Customize theme

You can customize your shop's theme which will affect the colors of the header, button, and text colors:

  1. Open the side menu, and go to “Shop (Under the “Earn” section) -> Setting -> Theme”
  2. On the “Theme” page, go to Theme Colors section
  3. Change “Primary color” to change the header and button colors of your shop
  4. Use “Primary text color” to change the primary text color used in buttons
  5. Update “Page text color” to change the color of the text throughout the shop
  6. Click “Save” to save your changes

Add discounts

You can apply percentage or fixed amount discounts to your online shop using our mobile application:

  1. Open the side menu, and go to “Shop (Under the “Earn” section) -> Discounts (Under the “Configure” section)”
  2. On the “Discounts” page, you will see the discount rules that have already been set up. You can click on the existing rule to view or edit the details
  3. To add a new rule, simply click “Add” on the top right corner
  4. You will need to input the discount code, type (percentage or fixed amount), state (enabled or disabled), quantity (number of discounts to be applied), and discount % or discount amount
  5. You can also set up a minimum order amount conditions by toggling the conditions to “On” and input the minimum amount
  6. You can also set up an expiration date for the discount by toggling the Expiration to “On” and input an expiration date

You can configure and add social links to your shop to allow your customers to engage with you through social media:

  1. Open the side menu, and go to “Shop (Under the “Earn” section) -> Shop Setting (Under the “Configure” section) -> Social media and contact info”
  2. Use the Facebook URL to point to your Facebook page. example
  3. Use the Instagram URL to point to your Instagram page. example
  4. Use WhatsApp number to allow users to chat with you through WhatsApp.
  5. Tap Save to save your changes

API integrations

Paymennt provides a collection of APIs that enable you to process and manage payments. To use our APIs, you need to first request the API key using our mobile app:

  1. Navigate to “Payment products -> Integrations”
  2. Tap the “Request new API keys” button at the bottom
  3. Fill in the information required.
  4. Remember to check the Website Go-live checklist before submitting your request

For detailed information on our API specifications, you can refer to our API spec at: Paymennt API Docs.