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Manage Your Team's Accounts and Permissions

Before You Start

You can manage your team members as well as their permissions by accessing the "Team" page from the side menu (My business -> My Team)

With Paymennt you can add, edit, or disable team member. You can also manage the accounts of your team member, their permissions, and sub-permissions.

Access and permissions

Types of access level

Paymennt offers 4 predefined user roles with specific access levels to simplify team management.

  • Owner: The owner account is suitable for the owners and founders of the company.
  • Company: The company account is suitable for the leads and executives of the company.
  • Branch: The company account is suitable for the branch managers of the company.
  • Employee: The employee account is suitable for the general employee of the company.

You can also modify some of the features’ permission of each user.

Permission categories

In, we have 6 different permission categories.

  1. Payment acceptance: Create, edit, and manage orders. Includes canceling orders and extending the payment expiry date.
  2. Spend management: Use the available balance to spend, including paying bills and purchasing with digital cards.
  3. Team management: Add and delete users with the same access level or less.
  4. Business settings: Manage account-wide settings, integrations, and devices. This will apply to all branches and users.
  5. Disputes and tickets: Resolve, respond, and submit evidence for disputes and support tickets.
  6. Commerce tools: Manage the shop and events. Includes managing customers, shipping zones, discounts, and listings.

Below are the tables of the permissions for each access level:

Payment acceptance✔️✔️✔️✔️
Spend management✔️✔️
Team management✔️✔️✔️
Business settings✔️✔️
Disputes and tickets✔️✔️✔️✔️
Commerce tools✔️✔️✔️

As an owner or company account user, you also have the flexibility to switch on/ off each user's permissions. For example, you can turn off the “Payment acceptance” permission of an employee user.

Sub-permissions and options

For Spend management, Business settings, and Commerce tools permissions categories, we also offered sub-permission options to make it easier for you to manage your team’s access right

Spend management

  • Pay bills
    • Use the available balance to pay bills
  • Manage balance
    • Top up or withdraw from the available balance
  • Manage digital cards
    • Users can change the settings for cards issued to themselves and users of the same access level

Business settings

  • View statement
    • View and download monthly financial statements
  • View balances
    • View available balance, fund holds, payouts, and the ledger
  • Payout accounts
    • Add or update external bank accounts
  • Business management
    • Update business logo, customer support information, company persons, and legal documents
  • Manage finance settings
    • Manage payment methods, external bank accounts, tax settings, and maximum checkout value
  • Manage integrations
    • Request and manage API keys
  • In-person payment
    • Manage POS and Tap on Phone devices
  • Manage add-ons
    • Enable and disable premium add-ons

Commerce tools


  • Manage customers
    • Add or archive customers

Online shop

  • Manage shop orders
    • Mark orders as complete
  • Manage shop settings
    • Manage shop theme, support information, shipping zones, and discounts


  • Manage listings and collections
    • Add, archive product and event listings and manage collections


  • Scan tickets
    • Scan-only access for event tickets

Add team members

  1. To view existing users and a new user, navigate to "Team (Under “Account”)” from the side menu.
  2. Tap the "+" on the top right corner to add new users.
  3. Input the user information
  4. Select their access level and permissions

Edit/Disable team members

  1. To view existing users, navigate to "Team (Under “Account”)” from the side menu.
  2. Tap on a record
  3. You can edit the user details and the access levels and permissions (Except terminal number and branch name) by tapping on the corresponding items
  4. You can also disable the user account by tapping the “Disable user” at the bottom