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customize your paymennt shop

You can customize the look and feel of your paymennt shop easily to reflect your business brand

on this page

  1. add homepage banner image
  2. change product grid size
  3. change theme colors
  4. add social links

homepage banner image

you can add a banner to your shop's homepage which will appear at the top of the page right below your logo

  1. from the main menu select Online shop
  2. tap Settings
  3. toggle Enabled on in the Banner section
  4. tap the + sign and select the banner image you would like to use
  5. tap Save to save your updates

change product grid size

you can change your shop's product grid size to modify the number of products visible to your customer per row. paymennt shops supports grid sizes of 2, 3, and 4 products per row

  1. from the main menu select Online shop
  2. tap Settings
  3. under the Theme section, tap Product grid width
  4. select the desired grid size of 2, 3, or 4
  5. tap Save to save your updates

change theme colors

you can customize your shop's theme which will affect the colors of header, button, and text colors

  1. from the main menu select Online shop
  2. tap Settings
  3. scroll to the Theme section
  4. change Primary color to change the header and button colors of your shop
  5. use Primary text color to change the primary text color used in buttons
  6. update Page text color to change the color of the text throughout the shop
  7. tap Save to save your changes

add social links

you can configure and add social links to your shop to allow your customers to engage with you through social media

  1. from the main menu select Online shop
  2. tap Settings
  3. scroll to the Social section
  4. use Facebook url to point to your facebook page. example
  5. use Instagram url to point to your instagram page. example
  6. use WhatsApp number to allow users to chat with you through WhatsApp.
  7. tap Save to save your changes